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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would it surprise you if I told you my perception of serving sizes is skewed? The funny thing here is that this really isn't what you think. I can pretty carefully eye a portion of chicken or a serving of steak, but when it comes to estimating a helping of vegetables I'm woefully lacking.

So this meal I'm having for lunch today, it's a new one by Healthy Choice; this thing looked like it had maybe a quarter of a cup of vegetables:

Imagine my shock as I perused the back to read it supposedly contained 3/4's of a cup of vegetables.

Seriously?!?! 3/4's? Really?

Guess I like to have more than three bites of vegetables in my lunch.

But, truthfully, 3/4's of a cup?

In the grand scheme of things, it's better to get too many vegetables than not enough, right???

Okay, I fail at veggie serving sizes. Fail, Zan, fail. But I'm still happy about it.

This Week's Stats

Starting Weight: 291.6

Previous Weight: 256.6 lbs
Current Weight: 254.6 lbs
Difference: -2 lbs

Total Weight Removed: -37.0 lbs
Total Percentage of Weight Removed: 12.6%

I'm just three pounds from that forty pound mark. Holy crud! Guess I'm gonna get my personal forty pound reward pretty soon (will share that list soon): tickets to see Wicked in San Francisco. And then it's bye, bye to the second twenty pounds, and hello the third thirty pounds!! Woot!


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Small goals are the key to success or so I've been told. To kick off my weight loss journey I wanted to give myself a visual tool to see how my progress is going. For your viewing pleasure, the ticker for my first goal of losing 20 pounds: