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Monday, April 19, 2010

Healthy Choice Fail

Went to the grocery store not too long ago to pick a few essentials and something for lunch. If you know me, you know my favorite frozen meal for lunch is the Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash Ravioli (which is mmm, mmm, yummy). After browsing the frozens for a short time, I noticed a meal I'd never seen, Healthy Choice Pumpkin Squash Ravioli, and it intrigued me so into the basket it went.

Getting back to work I was eager to try it out, and hopeful I would find another tasty, delicious vegetarian meal to add into the Meatless Monday rotation that wasn't 500 calories with 25 grams of fat and stuffed with cheese. After following instructions eerily similar to that of my favorite frozen meal (which only increased my anticipation), I opened it up, took a bite and thought "YUCK!" It was disgusting. But being open minded I kept on eating, hoping it might grow on me. It didn't.

Description from the box:
Ravioli stuffed with tender pumpkin and combined with crisp asparagus, sweet butternut squash, and juicy Granny Smith apples, topped with a butter-sage sauce.

First Impressions:
It looked pretty freaking boring and brown. Eeeeeeewww.

The raviolis:
Tasty, little on the too sweet side. Eh.

The vegetables and apples:
Asparagus - delish. Butternut squash - overcooked and squishy. Eeeeewww. Apples - ick - tasted like an afterthought.

The sauce:
Tasted like dirty feet. Eeeeewww.

Sad to say, this dish made its way into the trash half eaten. I don't want to waste good points on bad food.

For a more in-depth and intellectual review than my "eeeeewwws", "icks" and "ehs" I'd direct you to She puts my thoughts into words so much better than I can, and even acknowledges that some people find this disgusting meal appetizing.

I'm going to go find something to wash my mouth out now.


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Small goals are the key to success or so I've been told. To kick off my weight loss journey I wanted to give myself a visual tool to see how my progress is going. For your viewing pleasure, the ticker for my first goal of losing 20 pounds: