Thursday, August 26, 2010
Yes, it's been another couple of weeks since I got my sh*t together and blogged. Problem: I stopped reading your blogs (yes, the little badge on my blog reader reads nearly 300 again! UGH! I kinda FAIL). Funny that, I stop reading blogs, I stop wanting to blog. Connection? I wonder.
Confession Time: I still haven't made it to a Weight Watchers meeting since I last posted. Nor have I made it to the gym. HELP!!!! Mind you, it's not that my motivation has gone away - I still log my food and stay within my weekly POINTS - but I didn't realize how attached I'd grown to that particular meeting time/day and the leader leading it.
I've picked up some new habits - good and bad - over the past couple of months. The good habits I'm trying to reinforce. The bad habits I'm trying to drop. Fast. Problem: bad habits much more difficult to rid ones self of than good habits to create.
Been trying to do more things for myself to maintain sanity. It probably includes more beer drinking than I *ought* to be doing, going to the beach, going to shows (live music, not theatre), and trying to keep myself out of the "emo" Zan place. Have made some interesting new friends, celebrated a friend's wedding, and hosted a party or two myself. Actually, I've been really social and met a ton of new people. Sleep needs to figure in there at some point too.
I'll be back soon, I promise. Probably with more random thoughts from random land.
Labels: checking in, reality, Realizations