Friday, February 4, 2011
Sometimes I wonder if Aunt Flo likes to pop her head in right as I'm doing well just to say "HA HA, I'm going to f*ck with you". Now I know it's the way the body works; I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and everything will adjust itself next week, but right now IT PISSES ME RIGHT THE HELL OFF. Especially right before a freaking weigh-in day. GRRRR. HULK SMASH.
Okay. Now that that's off my chest, moving on...
We've got another phenomenal weather weekend ahead of us (And I'm not going to apologize Midwest and East Coast, although I do hope Snowpocalypse passes soon) with a forecast anywhere between 70 and 74 degrees all weekend long. Lordy. You bet your ass I'm getting my ass out of the house and doing something out of doors. Like hiking. Surprise. HAHAHAHA.
Yeah, yeah, it's Super Bowl weekend, and what I'm going to say might shock you, but I'm not really a football fan. At all. As in, I'll probably sit on my computer playing games and waiting for commercials or NOT WATCH! Seriously though, I do know what teams are playing and even where they'll be playing, but beyond that I just don't get football. Now gimme some hockey and we've got a totally different story. MMMM, hockey players....
Again, after moving off topic, back to the post I've been trying to tackle since Wednesday:
My Yearly Goal Progress
Last month, when I went off about how much I hate New Year's Resolutions, I did make one resolution:
Continue down the path to health and be the best person I can be.
With that resolution in mind, I set the following goals for myself for the year:
- Train for/run a 5K. When/If I complete that 5K, start training for a 10K.
- Exercise at least 3x a week.
- Make an effort to meet the WW Healthy Guidelines every day.
- Post at least one blog a week. See the Wordpress Challenge to post either Once a Day in 2011 or Once a Week in 2011.
- Try one new exercise class/DVD/etc per month.
- Make it into ONEderland.
It's been about a month since I threw down the gauntlet and figured it was time to check back in to see what progress I've made.
Train for/run a 5K. When/If I complete that 5K, start training for a 10K.
As is the way of things, and with my recent knee troubles, I had to put this goal on hold for the time being. Boo. There's a doctor's appointment with my name on it, though, in the near future where I'll
If I get the okay from the doc (cross your fingers for me), plans include registering for either the Disneyland Family Fun 5K on Saturday, September 3, 2011 (cause I love Disneyland, and wanna run in a tutu, or better yet - a princess dress!!!) or the Disneyland Half Marathon - if I'm feeling particularly brave - on Sunday, September 4, 2011. I'll have just under seven months to train, and will decide in June (which is when I hope to register if it isn't closed) which one is actually possible.
Yes, I'm setting my sights high, but you'll never know what you can do until you try to reach for the stars.
Based on my June decision there might be a few other races in my future, but that's all in the mystic never never for now.
Of course, this is all contingent on getting the go ahead from my doctor. I'll keep you posted.
Exercise at least 3x a week.
SUCCESS!!! Well, except for that first week in January. And I was crazy in that first week in January. Or maybe I was sick? Or maybe I was making excuses? Who knows? Lots of questions, not many answers.
Yeah, looking back at my activity logs, it looks like every week but that first week of January I managed to get in at least 3 days of exercise a week, and it's usually closer to 4 or 5. *Victory Arms* \o/
Which brings me to my cross training goal: swimming, biking *and* running (but before I start swimming I need to get some prescription goggles - cos I'm blind as a frakking bat). This is not triathlon training. I repeat, this is not triathlon training. But I thought, hey, what better way to test my fitness level than by seeing how much of each one I could do? Okay, so maybe I'll take a page or two (or all) out of the triathlon training book, but I'm NOT training for a triathlon. Seriously. I'm not.
Make an effort to meet the WW Healthy Guidelines every day.
Unsurprisingly, I have no issues meeting all the WW Healthy Guidelines Monday through Friday, but throw a Saturday and Sunday in the mix and I'm a hot mess. Okay, not quite, but close.
Water really isn't a problem. We don't keep much to drink at home besides a Brita pitcher and coffee beans (and beer!) since neither me or the DH are big soda fans. So, if I'm thirsty, and not craving a yeast-y beverage, water is pretty much my only choice.
In the realm of vitamins I knew I'd never take some ridiculously, large horse pill multi-vitamin. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Since I swear I'm like ten sometimes, I picked up a bottle of chewable vitamins. Yup, I take Marvel Superhero Chewable Vitamins, baby. Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America, all in chewy, fabulous, fruit-snack-tasting goodness. Oh yeah, they taste like fruit snacks! And I have to stop myself from eating them like candy, that's how awesome they are.
Activity's good too. If I don't have an official "work-out" every day, I at least do a fair amount of walking.
This month: must make an effort to get the dairy and fruits/veggies in on weekends too. I just don't spend a lot of time thinking about food when it's a weekend.
Post at least one blog a week. See the Wordpress Challenge to post either Once a Day in 2011 or Once a Week in 2011.
SUCCESS!! Don't think I have to say much here. If you're reading this, you know I definitely post more than once a week. Once a day? Not happening so much. But three times a week? Definitely do-able.
Try one new exercise class/DVD/etc per month.
SUCCESS!! I've had a Firm DVD sitting on the shelf for nearly a year, but was too chicken sh*t to try it because it had the words Boot Camp in the title. I think it was Bootcamp Maximum Calorie Burn or something like that. You can see it left a lasting impression (she says sarcastically). That's because it wasn't anywhere near as tough as I was hoping and it will now go into the pile of Zan's never going to do this workout again DVDs.
This month I'm thinking of trying the Turbo Kick class at my gym or Group X. Need to make a decision soon though or I'll find the month over without anything to show.
Make it into ONEderland.
Ummm, self explanatory. Haven't made it yet, but I'm getting closer.
Overall, January was a great month. February should be a great month too.
Also, I received the Stylish Blogger Award from the ladies at 2 Fat Chicks With a Mission - thank you!! I'll post more about this hopefully over the weekend, but if not - Monday. Definitely Monday!!
Have a great weekend folks!!!
Image from because they're epically awesome.
Labels: exercise, goals, postaweek2011, Weight loss