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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My motivation has been down in the dumps recently, and I'm trying pretty hard to keep those dumps from spreading to every area of my life. Maintaing focus on the importance of my weight loss is a constant struggle and every day I do what I can to simply keep one foot in front of the other.

I've avoided continuing my Beck Diet Solution discussion because I haven't read past the first week. Still, one of the best things about following along with Beck is the encouragement to take it at your own pace. Don't feel bad if you didn't read Day 5 on Day 5. So what if it takes you a week to work on Day 1? That's life. Keep on going with a speed that's comfortable for you.

It's that slow, methodical approach that's keeping me on track right now. Setting little daily goals like "drink 40 ounces of water by lunch time" or "you can't do this until you've worked out for at least 30 minutes". They feel like negotiations with my subconcious, but if it works . . .

What better day to talk about Day 4 of Beck - Giving Yourself Credit?

It seems pretty logical. Give credit where credit is due, but - for myself at least - when it comes to weigh loss I'm not entirely logical.

There's this whole section of my brain that doesn't think I've accomplished anything particularly spectacular. It should be second nature for me to pass the candy jar and not take a piece. It should be second nature to wake up and work out in the morning.

Still, I'm exceptionally proud of myself for fighting past my demons and sticking with the plan, even if I'm not super excited any more. This is the hard part, the honeymoon phase is over, and now I have to fall back on all the good habits I picked up the past couple of months. Every day, I have to take a moment, give myself a pat on the back, and keep on going.

On another note, Zumba is pretty frickin' cool. A few days back I mentioned to a co-worker my interest in purchasing the DVDs and she loaned me her set!!! I've been waffling back and forth on buying them. Now, I can strut my stuff and see if I like it. Guess what? Based on yesterday's workout I like it!!!

And for your viewing pleasure I've come up with a list of diet excuses I've vowed to not say again and am sick and tired of hearing.

Zan's Top Ten of Diet Excuses.

10. I can start tomorrow.
9. I don't feel that bad.
8. I'm too busy to lose weight.
7. I'm too busy to exercise.
6. I can't afford to eat well.
5. I have to keep junk food around for so and so, my kids, etc.
4. Diet food is boring and doesn't taste good.
3. It's too hard to lose weight.
2. I just can't lose weight.
1. It's not fair.

Any excuses you vow to never say again? Anything you're tired of hearing?


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Small goals are the key to success or so I've been told. To kick off my weight loss journey I wanted to give myself a visual tool to see how my progress is going. For your viewing pleasure, the ticker for my first goal of losing 20 pounds: