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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This past Monday I was stuck at home feeling like crud. Normally, this would mean a whole passel of crummy, bad-for-me foods and watching lots and lots of tv. Fortunately, I kept myself out of the kitchen, and while feeling sorry for myself cause I couldn't do anything I only munched on healthy snacks.

Woot! Go me!

There's really not much to say about what I did, other than watched lots of Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent, and finally saw White Collar. Love Law and Order, White Collar was kind of eh. I knew I'd hit bottom when the only show that was slightly interesting was on the Lifetime Movie Network. (Gahhh! Someone stop me!)

Side note: My personal opion of LMN: It's the theatrical equivalent of a lobotomy. Lifetime Originals have paper thin plots and lots of bad acting. It's where bad actors go to die a slow, hard death.

Once I scared myself silly watching LMN for longer than ten minutes, I shut the tv off and dragged my butt into the kitchen to cook. Yay!!

Monday's Meatless Plan

2 Fiber One Oats and Chocolate Bars. 5.5 POINTS.


1 piece vegetarian pizza. 1 cup vanilla ice cream. 10 POINTS.

Apple Juice. 2.5 POINTS

Orange-Cilantro Black Bean Salad over romaine, Coconut Jasmine Rice with Seitan (Both recipes I found over at Ms. Bitchcakes Blog. 8 POINTS.

1 cup vanilla ice cream with Chocolate Magic Shell. 6 POINTS

Total POINTS: 32. No activity POINTS. Grr.

Yes, Right on target!!! Even when stuck at home. And I managed to get in five servings of fruits and vegetables. Color me surprised and cue the happy dance.

This whole Meatless Monday thing has been ridiculously beneficial to my weight loss plan. I'm experimenting with different kinds of food, and rediscovering my love affair with vegetables.

Maybe one day I'll make the jump and go completely vegetarian, but for now I'm super happy as a flexitarian.


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Small goals are the key to success or so I've been told. To kick off my weight loss journey I wanted to give myself a visual tool to see how my progress is going. For your viewing pleasure, the ticker for my first goal of losing 20 pounds: