Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sorry for the radio silence, but I've been doing the big think since Saturday. Truth is, I had a post all written up and ready to go, but never got around to throwing it up here. There are two reasons for this, both of which will change how I look at things for a while. Don't worry, it's nothing earth shattering, my life hasn't done a complete 180 or anything like that.
First, change number one:
The running? Have to table it. Yeah, yeah, I know, I didn't start all that long ago, but I'd come to really enjoy it, and it made me feel great.
Why, you might ask? My freaking right knee. Lovely. It hurt a little bit on Friday, but I chalked it up to me not being used to running. However, it came back with a vengeance after my Saturday run (not ridiculously bad, but SUPER annoying). During my hike on Sunday, the ouchie was gone (except for on the downhills). Okay, good.
Fast forward to Tuesday night. I'm at the gym and gonna it give it one more go. If it hurt, I decided I the running was going on hold until I lost a little more weight and strengthened my legs. K. Get on the treadmill (which I somehow managed to get onto immediately - unusual, very unusual). Brisk Walk. Good to go. Stretching. Check, check. More walking. w00t. First running interval.... No go. Shit. GAAAAHHHH! First time my knee had hurt when I was running. Bad.
Okay, RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) time. And tabling time. Guess I'll be making friends with the elliptical for the next month or four. Oh well, it is what it is, and I'd rather not strain myself to the point where I CAN'T exercise.
Change Number Two:
Since starting this blog, I've spouted the Tao of Weight Watchers. Seriously. I've been an ardent supporter of the WW program for YEARS.
Enter the PointsPlus program. Okay, I'm up for something new, and - hey - it still says Points, right? I was pretty gung ho going into the new program, but as each week went by, I was a little less thrilled. Guess what? My weight loss followed suit. Greeeeaaat. Not. I really don't know what it is, but something about the PointsPlus program frustrates me. Maybe I really am one of those "but I liked the Points program" people, who knows?
It's time for a change.
With this plateau on the scale and the feeling like I need to do something to shake it up, I'm gonna try something new (to me): Calorie Counting. Yep. This is monumental (for me). Never before have I tried calorie counting. Every weight loss attempt I made in the past was always with Weight Watchers.
"Officially" I started counting calories on Monday and will keep this going through the end of February. I'm not giving up WW (at least, not yet), but I won't be tracking Points.
If you'd like to join me in the calorie counting fun (or just wanna be friends on SP), I'm over at SparkPeople as ZanSidhe.
Okay. Now that that's off my chest I feel a little bit better. Will talk to you soon (and maybe even post that finished entry sitting on my iPhone).
Labels: C25K, exercise, fear, postaweek2011, Weight loss