Friday, January 28, 2011
Recently, I realized something: very rarely do I admit having a bad week and/or seeing a gain on the scale. And I have them. Oh, how I have them.
Something I used to pride myself on was making it to Weight Watchers meetings every week, good or bad, and faithfully reporting my progress be it gain or loss. I got away from that some time ago and I'm not sure why. All I know is that by ignoring that gain, pretending nothing was wrong and that I was skipping along with flying colors was nothing more than lying to myself. It was a massive disservice that kept me from being successful.
You know when I achieved the best results? When I was able to say, "hey, I gained a pound this week, but that doesn't matter, I'll do better next week."
Obviously it was time for a change, of which you might have noticed me babbling on about earlier this week.
Confession time: the past three weeks have been amazingly crappy weight wise. I went from seeing the lowest number I'd seen on the scale (my home scale) in years: 217 to plateauing to gaining five pounds over the course of those three weeks. All while I claimed to be following the Weight Watchers PointsPlus program. I wasn't. My portions were off, I wasn't tracking every bite (okay, I was eating pieces of chocolate - several a day - and saying hey, I don't have to track this because it's so little it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things!!), and I just didn't want to use an equation to calculate what I could eat anymore.
Hence the switch to calorie counting.
So far, this week has been amazing, and I never realized how freeing and straight forward calorie counting could be. By disengaging myself from the Weight Watchers PointsPlus Formula, I'm making better choices instead of trying to figure out how to trick the formula into letting me stuff as much into my piehole as possible.
I haven't hit my official weigh-in day (Monday) since starting my experiment, but I can tell you after hopping on the scale this morning, I'm already seeing results. Can't wait to share with you.
Here's a promise to myself and everyone else: starting today, I will make a concerted effort to share my progress for good or bad every week.
Moving On . . .
Tonight marks the first real test of my calorie counting plan. It's the end of the work week, so it's time for dinner and drinks out with friends. Yes, I celebrate the end of the work week (And how). But it also means going out to restaurants that don't have calories on the menu (cos they aren't chains), and then heading to the pub wherein I will likely imbibe a tad too much beer.
As a side note, I admit one of the main reasons I lost patience with WW was the massive change in Points for Beer, Wine, Cocktails, etc. Now I'm not a massive lush, but I certainly enjoy a night out with friends (and I am most definitely not a teetotaller). What was once a reasonable number of Points to spend turned into more than half a day's worth (to a day's worth on some nights). What?!? Not okay. Really not okay.
Hope this didn't come off as a WW bashing session. I'll get off the subject now.
Well, it's time for me to turn into a pumpkin (not quite), and go plan a hike for this weekend (if anyone wants to go, especially since I'm planning on a Saturday hike and not a Sunday one since it's threatening to rain). Have a super fabulous weekend!!!
Labels: giving in, postaweek2011, Realizations, temptation, Weight loss