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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Something to Crow About

When I began this journey I was insistent I could go it alone. Great. So I lost ten pounds, then I put five pounds on, and lost them again, and put them on again, and . . . you get the picture. I was online all the time, but couldn't find that place in myself which would let me stick to it if someone else wasn't weighing me in. Nine weeks ago, I gave up the ghost and went back to Weight Watchers. I've likely mentioned it in passing, but have never really talked much about it.

Weight Watchers. I've followed the Weight Watchers programs multiple times with varying degrees of success. When I had successes I loved it, and when I had failures I hated it. For a long time I blamed Weight Watchers - after all I was following their program, wasn't I? Right? Um, no, actually, I wasn't.

The main guideline of almost every weight loss program is food tracking. If you don't do it, you don't know how much you eat, and if you don't know how much you're eating, you won't lose the weight. I've never been the type of person that can just monitor how much I'm eating by how I feel. Nope. No Way.

Back to Weight Watchers. I love the Points system, and I love that they combined it with the Core program to come up with their Turnaround/Momentum programs. My biggest weight loss successes were with WW Points. My main issue has always been food tracking. Keeping paper logs never worked for me and you need to carry your food tracker with you all the time.

So what's the big difference this time you might ask? This time, the one thing that has made a world of difference is the Weight Watchers iPhone app. I mean, come on, I carry my phone with me all the time. Now I can open an application, search for food via their online database, and log it all in one place. No books? No paper tracker? Obviously, I'm a fan, and tracking has never been easier. Yay!

But, finally, to the main point of this entry - my good news!!!!

I reached my 5% goal at last night's meeting which means going over 14.5 lbs lost. To be exact: it was a total of 16.8 lbs lost. Woot! (If you add in the five pounds I lost before starting WW, I'm actually over 20 lbs down, but I'm sticking with my WW Weight Tracker). So where does this put me? Comfortably back into the 270s and heading for the 260s.

Feeling pretty good about myself this morning, I decided I should try on the last pair of jeans I bought before having to buy the next size up. Surprise! They fit. Not too tight, not too short, and comfortable. It's been nearly eight months since I last fit into them without looking like a sausage, and they're relatively new (I maybe wore them six times).

Okay, I'm excited, really, really, really, really excited. What is it they say about success? That it breeds more success? And I'm off to a running start for the new week.


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Small goals are the key to success or so I've been told. To kick off my weight loss journey I wanted to give myself a visual tool to see how my progress is going. For your viewing pleasure, the ticker for my first goal of losing 20 pounds: